14-15 DAYS
Category “D”
Price 1,744,600/- Pkr
In One Look
Package Overview
Embark on a sacred pilgrimage journey with Labbaik Services’ Silver Package, meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of Category “D” pilgrims. Benefit from seamless visa processing services, ensuring a hassle-free application process for your pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia. With Labbaik Services, you can rest assured knowing that your air tickets are confirmed, providing peace of mind and guaranteed travel arrangements for your journey.
Experience unparalleled convenience with Labbaik Services’ private buses for Mashair transportation, ensuring a comfortable and efficient journey during your pilgrimage. Plus, enjoy complimentary Hajj gifts as a token of appreciation for choosing Labbaik Services for your pilgrimage experienc
Service Offerings
Confirmed Air Tickets
Ensure peace of mind with Labbaik Services’ Confirmed Air Tickets, providing guaranteed travel arrangements for your pilgrimage journey.
Full Board Meal in Makkah & Madina
Enjoy full board meals in Makkah & Madina, ensuring nourishment and convenience during your pilgrimage.
Private Buses Mashair
Experience comfort and efficiency with Labbaik Services’ private buses for Mashair transportation, ensuring a seamless journey during your pilgrimage.
Visa Processing
Let us handle the complexities of visa processing, ensuring a smooth and efficient application process for your pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.
Frequently Asked Questions
You only need to give us a few simple documents, and we will take care of your Hajj visa. These documents will be required. 8 passport-size photographs 4x 3 cm (Light Blue background), Valid Passport, CNIC copy & blood group.
Yes, our Hajj packages include visa processing.
At Labbaik Services, we take pride in providing tailored Hajj packages of Maktab A, B & D that can be customized to align with your specific preferences and requirements.
Hajj includes a series of rituals which occur in and around Mecca and are over a period of five to six days.
- Seamless Visa Processing
- Confirmed Air Tickets
- Private Buses Mashair
- Food in Mashair (By Mualim Maktab D)
- Ziarat in Makkah & Madina
- Full Board Meal in Makkah & Madina
- Complimentary Hajj Gifts
- Makkah Hotel [04-14ZH] Azizia Building
- Madinah Hotel [14-17ZH] Markazia